The Italian version, which has been launched a few months ago, has recorded more than 4 thousand downloads to date. From today, the Terna app is also in English and available in the Google and Apple stores all over the world. Also organized in charts, more than 1 million data on the Italian Electricity System can be consulted in real time, constantly and continually updated to share information on demand, generation and transmission, as well as on the trade flows with foreign countries. The Group currently led by Stefano Donnarumma also provides users with a focus on sustainability: technicians are implementing the app with new charts and maps in the section on the hourly generation of renewable sources. Multimedia representations of the percentage of CO2 not emitted into the atmosphere – as a result of the diffusion of clean energies – are also being developed.
The Terna app is aimed at a wide public of stakeholders: not only technicians and specialists, but also analysts, administrators, institutions, associations, journalists, the academic world, or simply curious people. Now downloadable outside the national borders on all the electronic devices configured in languages other than Italian, the app is confirmed as a technological device at the leading edge in Europe, as it is the most advanced one among the transmission system operators that have already developed similar content.
The Group led by Stefano Donnarumma, the new Terna CEO and General Manager since May 2020, thus continues its commitment to ever increasing transparency of information and strategic sharing of data and knowledge on the electricity system, in order to meet the common challenge of energy transition together with international institutions, companies and associations. In this sense, the Group has started several data sharing projects in the last year: in addition to those on consolidated and operating data, other projects have been carried out on the evolution of the electricity market from 2000 onwards, and on the birdlife. Terna has also launched a new digital platform – Transparency – from which it is possible to download all the operating data.

Further information can be found here: