The digital revolution we are witnessing has not ended its drive, but it is at the beginning of a new debut: the digital revolution will be multisectoral and will even involve those sectors considered mature. This is what Vittorio Massone, current Vice President of the Board of Directors of Alkemy, leading company in the evolution of business models of large and medium-sized companies, says. While the digital revolution has shown changes in the consumer sector, today this epochal change is also affecting all the other sectors. The changes that have marked the digital revolution over the last two decades, writes the expert, will show their effects in the next twenty and more years, up to having an ICT driven economy and society in all sectors. The revolution will affect several areas, among which Vittorio Massone highlights those of operations, supply chain, B2B, B2G and, he continues, will also involve financial and insurance services, security and even the IT sector itself. According to the expert, the digital revolution will also involve sectors considered mature, such as logistics, agriculture and industry.
In concrete terms, the effects of this digital revolution will show impacts above all on the business model, the model with which companies make profits. In addition, digital evolution will also take into account all the actors in the value chain such as customers, distributors and suppliers, as well as involve current competitors, possible new entrants and digital natives. The motto of this digital revolution, concludes the Vice President of Alkemy, will be “your margin is my opportunity” and this digital evolution will shift the focus of the struggle between companies towards the control of the end customer, strategic assets and critical skills.